July 4, 2023


Its coming soon**** WEEDO with partnership with LIBE GREEN and Swedish Embassy Tanzania.

In 2023 the Sustainable Trash Fashion show in alliance with the Swedish Embassy was curated to bring awareness to environmental concerns in Tanzania. The abundant pollution among the areas has become devastating and WEEDO is taking action to combat it. There are 12 looks and 3 collections that encapsulates the mission of the Trash Fashion show. All of the garments will be made out of trash found native to the theme of the collections- beaches/oceans, local communities and tourism. For example, the Oceans collections looks are created from items such as fishing nets, bottle caps and sandals.

Trash Fashion Show will be a fun way to introduce an audience to ideas surrounding recycling, up cycling, and wearable art, as well as to raise awareness in the community about environmental pollution and reduce the amount of waste produced by industries and household levels. Unsustainable patterns of consumption and production are the root causes of the triple planetary crises of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. These crises, and related environmental degradation, threaten human wellbeing and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. If we continue on the prevailing development pathway, the Earth’s finite capacity will be unable to sustain the livelihoods of current and future generations.

Project sustainability

The knowledge and skills that young women and youths will gain through Trash Fashion Show season II will help them to repurpose, redesign, waste transformation and value chain addition and sell to the communities. In so doing, they will align to circular economy and sustainability. Through the fashion platform, the community will understand how the waste materials can be used again in a different way and reduce the number of waste materials going to landfill and oceans. The platform will keep raising awareness through different media and campaigns. In addition, we will conduct some training on waste management and collaborate with local companies to adopt the best environmental practices that reduce environmental pollution to mitigate climate change.

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